Our Past Limits Our Present

Break the chains of limiting beliefs and allow your child to be heard!

We all have childhood events that traumatize us, and it does not have to be a "big" trauma. We make decisions as children to keep us safe in situations that cause us distress. These decisions we often carry in to adulthood and they continue to create dysfunction in our lives.

By helping our children learn to stay in their authenticity, and by giving them the chance to be HEARD and not suppressed, we break the chains of limiting beliefs that cause us problems in all areas of our lives.

We will discuss gender identity, body dysmorhism, anxiety, depression, how to take charge of yourself and more tools for change and success.

First CHANGE Yourself

Come learn about the issues we all share, their origins, and begin to learn how to change. FIRST change yourself as a parent and then you change the way you see, speak, treat, and teach your children how to navigate this world.

THEN we raise truly healthy children to be clear, present and amazing adults.

Don't Miss the AMAZING Dr. Franz!

This live online course begins September 11th at 1:00pm ET and runs every Saturday for 6 weeks. Replays are available for those who cannot make it!

  • $299.00

    6 LIVE Classes
    Originally $2990
    90% off for a LIMITED TIME!


Raise Truly Happy Children

Change the way you see, speak, treat, and teach
your children how to navigate this world.

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Raising Emotionally Healthy Children!

    • A note from your Instructor

  • 2


    • Gender Identity

    • Body Dysmorphism

    • Depression

    • Anxiety

    • Taking Responsibility for Yourself

  • 3

    Thank you for joining us!

    • Before you go...

    • Next steps


Cornelia Franz

M.D. / Author / Owner of The Franz Center

Dr. Cornelia Franz is the founder and owner of the Franz Center in Orlando, Florida. She was raised in Asheville, NC and attended Wake Forest University as an undergraduate. She received her MD from Bowman Gray School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, NC, and went on to complete her Pediatric Internship in Lexington, Kentucky. Dr. Franz finished her Residency in pediatrics at Shands Hospital in Gainesville, Florida at the University of Florida. After residency, she did a fellowship in Adolescent Medicine at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. She has been in pediatric practice in Orlando since 1985! Dr Franz is the author of Common Sense Pediatrics: Combining Alternative and Traditional Medicine in Everyday Practice, noted speaker, and the founder of Common Sense Pediatrics Informative Sessions. She also loves teaching on various subjects that help empower parents to raise healthier children. The Common Sense Pediatric Informative Sessions are offered on a regular basis to help parents learn more on how to provide their children with numerous ways to treat simple illnesses.


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